The general theme of the announcement: Miss America strives to refocus its focus away from physical attractiveness and toward health and well-being. Or at the very least, attempting to seem to do so. When the Miss America pageant airs in December, perhaps the company’s smart goal will be to consider raising vaccination rates or exposing the dangers of eating farm-supply-store ivermectin because we’re in the middle of a plague right now.

What elements of ‘health’ are we going to see?

The competitors may be asked to take a sugar test on stage and reveal when they last had to take insulin. Maybe they’ll have their eyes tested and discuss the results with a licensed ophthalmologist, or perhaps their teeth will be inspected and discussed with a licensed dental professional. A nice long jump in an evening gown may also be on the cards. Is there going to be a bikini race? But have you ever seen a high jumper do it while wearing heels? There is no doubt in my mind that they will wear canvas shoes beneath their gowns instead. For someone to achieve that, they would need to be in excellent health. Despite eliminating the swimsuit component in 2018, bringing back portions of it in a new swimming segment seems plausible.

Exactly what does this imply?

Exactly what this implies or will involve is yet to be determined. Whatever Miss America is doing under the pretense of health and wellness, it appears to be “science-backed” and “approved by Harvard medical physicians for optimal women’s well-being. Apparently, it entails offering “the next generation of female leaders with life-long wellness education, tools, and community-based on the contemporary science of optimum nutrition, fitness, and attitude. 

What purpose does this initiative serve?

Meanwhile, it’s still not obvious what this program’s well-being is or who it’s for. Miss America contenders will be required to take some form of mandatory “wellness” training. Could this imply pageant competitors would now be assessed based on health or wellness data rather than physical attractiveness, as Slate’s Shannon Palus recommended? It appears, however, that whatever this wellness initiative is, it will reportedly “enable optimal wellness through proven science, practical habits and powerful love,” which will, in turn, “ensure every candidate and every ‘body’ can experience greatness as they carry out their missions in the world.” 

Summary of the ‘vague’ press release

The obscured press release released by the Miss America organization states that it’s entering into a new venture of its beauty models. Miss America’s CEO, Shantel Krebs, said, “By removing the swimsuit competition, we now have the chance to redefine women’s wellbeing and what it means to be a great woman in modern America. Jonathan Bailor says, “As we enter our 100th year, we’re thrilled to collaborate with SANESolution to deliver a Harvard-backed program for ideal female’s healthcare, as we strive to assist women well-being the very best versions of themselves. Because of this, we’ll be able to provide candidates and the community with the skills they need to take better care of themselves and their families in the future. 

1 What elements of ‘health’ are we going to see?2 Exactly what does this imply?3 What purpose does this initiative serve?4 Summary of the ‘vague’ press release