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The Companies (Amendment) Bill, 2015 – Complete Details

The Government of India is trying currently to bring on the road map to make the country as one of the Investment Hubs for the international business community. One of the impediments, which was felt in achieving the goal, was that the procedures for starting and running the business in India are not only lengthy but also very cumbersome. As a prelude to these steps, the Companies Act, 2013 was put into operation with around 283 sections being notified; yet, it was felt that speedier steps are required to attract foreign investment in India. For that the theme set in was “Ease of Doing business in India” which was a holistic attempt to see that laws relating to businesses including its allied laws are in alignment. Though the Companies Act, 2013 contained several initiatives in relation to the administration and regulation of companies in India, it was felt that further reforms are to be taken on an urgent basis. The Parliament on 13th May, 2015 approved the Companies (Amendment) Bill, 2015 which contains several amendments facilitating the ease of doing business taking into account the representations from corporate, stakeholders, professionals and in the largest interest of protection of investors. Continuous and rapid knowledge updation is a pre-requisite for a CA student and therefore for your quick reference and reading, the highlights of the Bill, 2015 are given below. These amendments will be incorporated in the study module at appropriate places in the course of revision and from the point of view of forthcoming examinations and its applicability; you may wait for an announcement in this regard. However, as said earlier, you can update well before the date of examination. The above in the form of dispensations/exemptions/additional provisio/fill-up omissions in the Companies Act, 2013 are the reforms for ease of doing business in India through the Companies (Amendment) Bill, 2015. The Bill now requires assent of the President of India and thereafter it may be called as the Companies (Amendment) Act, 2015. Click Here to Download Official Amendment Act By MCA